
Professional Technical Translation Service

MotaWord, leading innovative company of the localization industry, provides technical document translation options for the best results. We have separate teams of expert native linguists for each language pair in order to translate any kind of technical document into a target text that is no different than a document written in the language at stake in the first place. For instance, when a start-up company needs French technical translation to get into this market, the project is proofread by a native speaker of French in order to ensure the highest level of readability and effectiveness of their message.

Technical Document Translation

Translation services for technical documents are present in a variety of documentation at MotaWord, including but not limited to user manuals, training material, product specifications, and technical reports of any kind. While user manual translation may seem to be an easy task, maintaining the same tone and glossary throughout the text is easy said than done. Offering quality technical document translation services, MotaWord has gained reputation as an innovative and collaborative translation platform. Italian technical translation is one of the areas that are of high demand at MotaWord and as in every other language pair, this is no exception to our philosophy of providing the best technical translation with the correct terminology and style. Manufacturing translation services is another example where MotaWord establishes a close B2B collaboration with the manufacturers to get a deep insight into the products at stake, which enables us not to miss a single detail about them.


Patent Translation

Technical translation company MotaWord has a dedicated team of patent translators in order to make patent translation services available in an online environment. Although patent translation is a subdomain of technical translation in its essence, intellectual property rights and strict requirements of foreign jurisdiction make this area of expertise quite challenging. Therefore, professional technical translation services, especially those involving patent documentation, should be handled by a team of industry professionals who have extensive knowledge relevant to parent translation. As with each translation service option, patent translation is provided through an innovative platform which smartly analyzes the source document. This system is crucial for providing competitive patent translation costs that do not take the repetitions within a text into account. Then the source patent document is ready to be translated by multiple experts in our state-of-the-art translation interface.


Technical Spanish Translation

Technical translation services can be obtained in many languages at MotaWord, one of the most commonly translated one being Spanish. Given the current speakers of Spanish all over the world, it has a significant influence on global trade and e-commerce applications. Spanish technical translation involves many areas that require industry expertise from engineering to automotive documentation. Technical English to Spanish translation is of great importance for any business that aspires to become a part of this competitive market. For this reason, Spanish translation of technical manuals or material data sheets should be flawless in terms of grammar and orthography. However, MotaWord goes the extra mile to make your technical translation sound fluent to a native speaker of Spanish thanks to its extensive proofreading process.


Technical Translation Rates

Collaborative translation platform MotaWord provides each of its clients with their own translation memory (TM) in order to cut down on the technical translation quotes. When you have made little tweaks in a technical document and upload it into MotaWord translation system, our platform performs an analysis of the source text and does not take the repetitions across the projects into account when calculation the final price. This cost-effective mechanism is the reason why MotaWord is preferred by corporate entities at a global scale. Japanese technical translation is one example of this as MotaWord does not compromise on quality while dealing with different language pairs or presenting technical translation rates per word.


Looking For More Information?

Contact us for your business’ needs of technical translation online and get a competitive quote on your technical documents in a number of languages.
